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Men's Ministry

Our Men's ministry meets at random times to do random things. We meet to share together, eat food, climb mountains, eat food, chop down trees, eat food, study the bible, play darts and then eat some food.

1 Cor 10:31

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 

We believe that the world needs more Men of God and we aim to walk together down the path of life; encouraging and strengthening each other.


Sunday Morning

Celebration Service

10:30 am  

We meet for a time of worship, word and prayer. Our time together on Sundays normally lasts about two hours.

We have an informal style, so please come as you are. We don't expect you to put on your 'christian face'.

​Encounter Kids runs during this service.



Sunday Morning

Encounter Kids 

11:00 am (ish)

Our children meet in their own space and have a their own time of worship, word and prayer to support them in their walk with God.

We believe that our children are not the future of the church; they are a vital part of the church today.




Various Sunday mornings

Encounter Time

A few times a year we come together to 'soak' in God's presence. This takes the form of worship usually led by one of our worship leaders. It is a time to relax and enjoy God's presence. We encourage everyone coming to feel free to worship, pray, read God's word or simply soak.

Ps 96:9

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Bible Study

​Keep an eye on Facebook to see when are getting together to study God's word over tea, coffee and unhealthy food.


We encourage everyone to engage with the bible frequently, and learn to think about our faith as we walk it out.



Women's Ministry

Check out our Facebook page for further news.


Check out our facebook page for details of all of events.

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